Feliz Año Nuevo!
The MidWasteland
Chicago's Street Style and Fashion Blog

It's been two weeks since the new year has begun and I am finally putting up pictures from the party I went to.

(If I believed in resolutions, I would probably resolve to post in a more timely manner but I don't so you're kind of out of luck...)

This year, like most others, I dodged the overpriced party scene and frugally rang in 2008 at People Projects, a local art/music space. I drank cheap champagne til' the wee hours and hung out with great friends, it was awesome.

Here are some pictures from throughout the night...


Adorable, even with tape on her fames.


Oh, Michael!


You may remember the girl on the right for her role as Hitler's other half but I think, from this day forward, she'll be better known for being one of the NYE poncho twins.

All jokes aside, ponchos are the shit!

I have three, none of which are as elaborate as the above, but I wear them to death and I owe the inspiration for my obsession to a girl I spotted at the Eskell opening party with a really cute one on.


I love him for many reasons but the fact that he always coordinates his headband with his outfit is high on the list.


A housecoat with big, black boots makes me feel awkward.

It looks like she's hiding something really sexy under her grandma's nightgown which is a little weird to me.

Take away all the black and I think this would be a really cute dress...for spring (i mean, summer and belted).

1 comment:

Adamoda14 said...

Why are we all so afraid to pull our ties into position?