Trend: Where the Wild Things Are
The MidWasteland
Chicago's Street Style and Fashion Blog

Remember last year when you'd go to a party and every guy in the place was wearing a weird wolf t shirt that looked like it came straight off some creepy truck driver's back.

Yea, that's over. Fall 07 is all about big cats.

Sounds purrr-fect to me! (I'm sorry that pun was totally uncalled for...but the sick cat lady inside me couldn't resist.)

He ripped off his scarf, completely unprompted, to show me the tigers.
One of the many things that I don't need, yet incessantly collect, is scarves and this one would've fit nicely in my collection. Unfortunately, he was nice so I couldn't steal it from him.

"Why the hell is this giraffe hanging out with two cheetahs?", he asked.
"Um, I don't know and I really don't care", I answered.

I loooooove this little vest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow can you say I want to be Bret. Hipsters Rule!