A Night at The Metro
The MidWasteland
Chicago's Street Style and Fashion Blog

I spent an evening with my good friends, Maps & Atlases at their Metro show with Men, Women and Children, Nurses and RX Bandits.

Not only was it a hell of a good time (and by good time I mean buckets of free Stella and balcony access) but I got to take fun pictures of cute stylish boys in the bands.

Yes, this is a hard job but someone's got to do it.

Click on the links above and give a listen to each one of these bands. You'll realize that these boys are not just a bunch of pretty faces they're also extremely talented musicians.

Have I ever steered you wrong before?

Dave from Maps & Atlases

Mike from Russian Circles

Aaron from Nurses


Rebecca V. O'Neal said...

love the nbc sweatshirt!

Anonymous said...

that nbc guy is KILLLLAH!

Anonymous said...

i am pretty sure that my heart belongs to aaron...