On The Street...Wicker Park
The MidWasteland
Chicago's Street Style and Fashion Blog



Anonymous said...

whats special about this outfit? :|
i'unno, i live in chicago as well, but i thought there were better dressed ppl at the very least of the global hipster-norm here. i guess i'm just blind to it all now. hahahaha.

monica! said...

i think she's well dressed for a casual day and damn striking. Her glasses, her bag and her hair.

Fucking hipsters are ALL the same.

I don't feel the need to take pictures of EVERY kid in wicker park with a neon pink shirt on from, where else but american apparel, on their way to a Flosstradamus show.

sorry ANONYMOUS, if you want to see the chicago party scene then go to: everyoneisfamous.com

The Tilted Tulip said...

She looks so fierce! I like it.

Anonymous said...

I like her look *because* its not overly hip. Simple, understated, and even in her dego-T she looks polished. Nice!